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Sunday, April 19, 2009

I am back

First I'll start by saying my grand babies and stepdaughter left tonight at 10:00pm, their 2 week stay is over and we did enjoy it very much but they were not only messy but took over my living room which is a big mess right now. There was some disrespect going on but not enough to really bother me. My stepdaughter has both these children 24/7/365, her hubby is off on his 2nd tour of duty so she's basically alone and has some expectations when she's here. We didn't meet them of that I'm sure. I have 3 at home jobs, plus I have to cook and clean my own home, take care of the 5 animals we have, run errands, try to workout (which I did not for 2 whole weeks *hangs head in shame*) and finally I have a 48 year old husband who can be like a child at times LOL. So I was not in any mood to hand out favors, maybe that makes me bad, I don't know, maybe I'm selfish but I don't have the energy to be too generous with my time these days. I do know I need better organization and time skills and that's what the next few weeks are about for me.

I'm glad they are gone for now, I miss them because it's wonderful to have 2 beautiful children here and my stepdaughter and I get along great, we laugh alot together, have the same kind of crazy sense of humor and we just love each other but right now having order in my house, time to myself and is what I need. I hope my stepson does not show up here anytime soon I will have a serious cry, I NEED ME TIME! and he's not known for calling ahead of time. I'm probably just being paranoid but I've already told hubby no more company for a bit now.

We had a blast at a friends house last night, they served burgers on the grill, I had one without any bread, a tomato, onion and some of her Mexican sticky rice and a potato salad (all small portions). Hubby went for the chips (I won't eat junk, it's not worth it anymore).

I finally finished my chili yesterday :( I worship that stuff I swear to you.

I didn't weigh myself this morning due to company living in the living room but tomorrow I will, let's see what no exercise, a burger and rice and large portions of chili does to my body.


Anonymous said...

good luck at your weigh in..and hope you do get some me time in for yourself!

Unknown said...

Sounds like you can definitely use some me time.

Melisa said...

Having friends/family around is great, and sometimes having them leave is great too. :)

Hope you enjoy your me time.

Journo June aka MamaBear said...

I feel the same way when my sister and her kids visit. Love them dearly, but they are so loud! That's when I realize what a quiet life I lead. :-)

Hope you enjoy some quiet and alone time.
Path to Health

One Pretty Little Box said...

I am glad you had a good visit, but in the same breath, I am glad you are finally going to get back to normal. THAT always feels good, and makes us feel good!

"This blog is so much more then writing about my weight loss journey it has become an extension in helping me know who I am and who I can be."
