Look What I've Accomplished!

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Saturday, March 14, 2009

Kiss my a$$ temptation!

Last night hubby and I went out to some friends for a game night, we were about 10+ couples all playing different games and we had a great time. Everyone brought a dish of something to eat and there were lots and lots of sweets and fattening things galore. The food looked like temptation and believe me I would have loved to eat a brownie but lucky for me the real temptation was visual and nothing more. I noticed that, if I see or smell something I'll think hmm, that seems like a tasty idea but I don't physically crave it so all I have to do is ignore the call of smell and vision.

Hubby didn't resist, he had a bit of everything, I had a bottle of water. Don't get me wrong, every time someone had a chocolate brownie or some chips with dip, I was thinking wow that sure looks good or smells good, but I didn't want to tempt myself out of fear that one brownie would trigger an onset of cravings which I don't feel ready to deal with just yet because I'm a binger and I've only been on the South Beach Diet for 3 1/2 weeks.

Another thing that helped me stay the course was the fact that I had been trying on jeans before we left, I used to wear a 26-28 and the truth be told only one pair fit, I think if I went shopping I'd have to buy 30-32 if not higher. So anyway, I tried on a pair of jeans without looking at the size in them (don't really know why, usually I always look) and they fit (but tight!) so I showed hubby who liked my ass in them and I told him I'd need to lose another 10 pounds for them to properly fit which was nice because come April I'd have a cute pair of capri's to wear. So as I'm putting them away I decide to look at the size and they are a size 20W so I was dancing like a mad lady because I could fit in a tight size 20W, then I tried a pair of jeans that I hadn't worn in over a year and they fit me well (size 24) and those are the ones I wore last night.

Here are some pics of me yesterday at 276 pounds...

Here are some before (Sept 08) the South Beach Diet (I think I was 298 or 299 in these pics)

In all fairness to myself the pictures don't resemble one another so its hard to do a fair comparison but I still see no real difference. I'm guessing 24 pounds is not enough when you are morbidly obese before you start to see a difference. But that's OK, I'll be posting pictures on a monthly basis and eventually there will be an obvious difference!

Here's hubby's favorite pic, he calls it my sexy pic, he says that he see's the potential slim and sexy woman in me in this one LOL! Don't laugh!

I'll post later on about my food experiences on Phase 2 of the plan, in the meantime it's after 1:00am and hubby is fast asleep time to go walk the dog and go to bed!



Journo June aka MamaBear said...

Oh, I can definitely see a difference! You are doing an awesome job. Keep making healthy choices and welcome to HYC! :-)
Path to Health

Felicia said...

Welcome to the Healthy You Challenge!!

Best wishes to you on your journey!


"This blog is so much more then writing about my weight loss journey it has become an extension in helping me know who I am and who I can be."
