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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Super Blogger Award

I would have posted this two days ago when I won this award but I've been sick since Monday and not feeling well at all. It's taken everything out of me to just walk from one room to the other but alas I feel better and would like to thank My 3 Month Challenge for giving me this Super Blogger Award.

I am definitely honored to win this award and the fact that someone thinks I'm deserving of it blows me away. I've still got lots to learn but that's OK I don't mind. I appreciate all the readers who come by and visit my blog with encouraging words. I'm blessed to have you all in my life.

I am to pass on the Super Blogger Award, so here's what I'm supposed to do:
  • Tape it up on your blog somewhere.
  • Pass it along to 5 fellow super bloggers, and comment on their blog to let them know how lucky they are today!
  • When you present your Super Blogger awards, link back to the super blogger who gave it to you.
My choice of Super Bloggers are (not in any particular order):

Please take the time to read their blogs if you haven't already, they are really inspiring!

Thanks again!



VRaz60 said...

I like the new look. I'll be anxious to see if you try any others "on for size". I wish I were techie enough to do this.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, I had no idea I won this award. Seemed that all of my bloggin' friends received this award and now I'm hip with it too LOL!! Thank you, I feel really honoured that you thought of me while passing out the award. You're a sweetie pie :)

Melisa said...

Wow, I have finally had some time to sit and catch up on blog posts and look what I found...an award.

How incredibely sweet. Definitely whomever sent it to you found a deserving person. Congrats on the 50lb loss!! I am trying desperately to hit the 35lb loss at this next weigh in...last of the SH4SC & my last weigh in before a two week vacation.

You've been doing FANTASTIC, keep up the good work for yourself. You are worth it!

"This blog is so much more then writing about my weight loss journey it has become an extension in helping me know who I am and who I can be."
